The Elsevier Foundation - "Chemistry for Climate Action Challenge" 2025

Deadline: September 30, 2024


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  • India
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The winners will be announced at the 9th Elsevier Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference (3-6 March, 2025) in Punne, India.


The Chemistry for Climate Action Challenge is one of the Elsevier Foundation’s flagship partnerships. Together with Elsevier’s Chemistry journals, the Elsevier Foundation provides funding of 25,000 USD for 2 winning projects per year, implementing green & sustainable chemistry solutions in the Global South – advancing both Climate Action (SDG 13) and Gender Equity (SDG 5).


Climate change is the most important challenge for the future of our planet, affecting every country on every continent, and it is essential that we take action. Climate change is not only causing rising sea levels and changing weather patterns, but is also disrupting national economies and affecting lives.

Chemical sciences play a critical role in developing a sustainable future: whether it’s is CO2 reduction and utilization, cleaner production, energy conversion and storage, entire lifecycles of chemical products, or waste reduction.

UN SDG13, Climate Action, mentions the need to “[...] promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in least developed countries, including focusing on women, youth and local and marginalized communities”. Over the years the Challenge has demonstrated excellent outreach in low-income countries and many winning projects that make a difference for local communities.

With a new focus on Climate Action, the Elsevier Foundation Challenge also aims to recognize the pivotal role women play in combating climate change. UN Women reports that globally, one fourth of all economically active women are engaged in agriculture, where they must contend with climate consequences such as crop failure, and also have the disproportionate responsibilities for collecting increasingly scarce water and fuel. Projects submitted to the Challenge must therefore take into consideration gender components such as addressing the role of women in adapting to climate shifts and participating in policy- making and leadership roles.

What are the Challenge’s process and deadlines?

The Elsevier Foundation Chemistry for Climate Action Challenge is articulated in the following phases.

  • Submission phase: This is the general submission period. Proposals can be submitted from 15th of June 2024 to the 15th of September 2024. The deadline has now been extended to September 30, 2024.
  • Reviewing phase: Out of all submitted proposals, the top tier eligible proposals will be selected by a panel of reviewers and will be advanced to the judging phase.
  • Judging phase: The scientific jury will evaluate the proposals and identify the finalists. The Top 5 finalists will be selected to compete for the two prizes and will be invited to present their proposal at the 9th Elsevier Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference (3-6 March, 2025).

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Projects will be reviewed according to the following criteria:

  • The proposal clearly describes the urgency of the problem. Provide a description of the project background and include a description of the broader context and highlight how the project links to the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and more particularly how the project links to SDG13 Climate Action and the sub-targets of this SDG such as: strengthening resilience to climate-related hazards, improve education and awareness, address the needs of developing countries. Additionally, describe if and how the project interlinks with other SDGs (e.g. SDG3 Good Health and Well-being, SDG5 Gender Equality, SDG15 Life on Land, etc.), resulting in co-benefits.
  • The project utilizes innovative green and sustainable chemistry and chemical sciences approach, for example:
    • CO2 reduction and utilization, cleaner production, energy conversion and storage Reduces or eliminates the use or generation of one or more hazardous substances or materials
    • More sustainable use of resources and cleaner low-energy production o Increase reuse or recyclability of chemicals/product
    • Designs a new business model related to circular economy.
  • The project is replicable, scalable, sustainable (make sure to specify why), and sets a benchmark for innovation – new ideas or concepts in development will be given preference over more advanced projects.
  • The proposal highlights the novelty of your approach and gives a short literature overview of what has been done before, both by you and others (“background”).
  • The project is applicable in and suitable for developing countries. Describe the project’s social impact on local communities, including gender equality either in design or implementation.
  • The project must have an impactful gender component, clearly describing the sex/gender dimensions of the research. To know more about best practices in designing and implementing sex/gender components into chemical sciences-related projects, please refer to the ‘Gender Road Map: Short guidance for a gender- responsive national chemicals policy’, developed by the MSP Institute.
  • Another helpful reference is ‘Toolkit for Integrating Gender-Sensitive Approach into Research and Teaching’, developed by GARCIA in collaboration with a number of universities (i.e., Radbound University, University of Trento, Université Catholique de Louvain etc.). Additionally, Gendered Innovations (Stanford University) provides practical methods of sex, gender and intersectional analysis for scientists – and offers case studies as concrete illustrations of how this analysis leads to innovation.

  • Include an implementation plan of the project. Please note that if the project has been developed in a high-income country, contextually appropriate knowledge transfer to the lower income country is needed to be demonstrated, for instance through a developing country implementation or research partner(s). If the idea presented is already patented, it will not be eligible.


Deadline: September 30, 2024

Cost/funding for participants

The Elsevier Foundation Chemistry for Climate Action Challenge awards 2 prizes of €25,000 each.

The Challenge award projects that use green and sustainable chemistry solutions to tackle some of the developing world’s greatest sustainability challenges – encouraging researchers to come up with new solutions.

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