The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s programme Advanced Materials for Innovative Recycling (AMIR-EM)

Deadline: January 24, 2025




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Liège, Bordeaux, Darmstadt, Egyetem, Lisbon, Madrid


The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s programme Advanced Materials for Innovative Recycling (AMIR-EM) aims at contributing to the higher education of the next generation of chemists, material scientists and engineers with special skills in innovation and entrepreneurship and ready to work in the raw materials sector of the 21st century focusing on advanced materials, their sustainability and recycling within a circular economy.



Erasmus Mundus AMIR Master Programme: Integrating Chemistry, Material Science, and Sustainability for Circular Economy

In 2021 the AMIR Master Programme obtained the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) label from the European Commission recognizing the Excellence of the AMIR Master Programme, already successfully implemented as a 2-years course of study since 2017. 

The AMIR-EM’s four main disciplines targeted are: chemistry, chemical engineering, material science and engineering. AMIR-EM will enhance their competitiveness by integrating these disciplines with sustainability, recycling and circular economy considerations. Cross-fertilisation will be assured through the joint an interdisciplinary approach, through the invitation of renowned external scholars and through a thorough selection of students. 

AMIR-EM will provide higher education on recycling of raw materials, in particular sophisticated advanced materials with currently low recycling rates. These include multiple material types, including metals, minerals, polymers and ceramics. Products consisting of these materials are sold in multiple markets such as telecommunication, mobility, housing and energy supply. Therefore, AMIR-EM addresses important issues of innovative recycling and material chain optimisation for end-of-life products and the design of products and services for the circular economy.

Everything You Need For Master Success

The general objective of the programme is to train excellent students with theoretical and practical knowledge in Advanced Materials for Innovative Recycling, allowing them to adapt to any kind of job related to this topic. The Master will be a 120 ECTS study Programme with a length of two academic years leading to double diploma and having the ambition to provide joint degrees.

Discover AMIR EM Master Program

  • The strengths of the programme: An important strength of the programme is the complementarity of partners in terms of their expertise. This applies to both academic and industry partners, and it is one of the main attractions for prospective students. Multidisciplinarity is thereby built in the consortium and curriculum.
  • First-year choices: Advanced materials, Clean technology and Polymers: For the first year, students can choose between UBx, UNL and UM. While UBx courses focus on Advanced Materials Sciences and Sustainability, UM focusses on recycling processes in polymers and composites, and UNL teaches courses on Advanced Materials Engineering and Clean Tech. That means students can choose between a more materials and sustainability science orientated studies in Bordeaux, a specialisation on polymers in Miskolc, or a stronger engineering and technology focus in Lisbon. UM’s focus on polymer recycling is unique worldwide and a real asset to AMIR-EM’s comprehensive academic approach.
  • Third semester options: Metallurgy, Design for recycling, and Circular economy: For the third semester students can choose among UPM, TUDa and ULiège. Courses in Liège will focus on metals recycling, while Darmstadt specialises in the design for recycling of functional materials, and Madrid on minerals and building materials recycling in the context of the circular economy.

Partner University Network

  • University of Bordeaux
  • NOVA University Lisbon
  • TU Darmstadt
  • University of Liège
  • Technical University of Madrid
  • University of Miskolc


The AMIR programme has been developed to help students understand the full spectrum of all the core topics within the field of raw materials recycling. Drawing on the expertise of 6 European universities, AMIR brings together the collaboration of academia, industry and research partners to develop one of the world’s leading programmes within the field. Students have the opportunity to study across multiple European universities that specialise in the specific aspects of Advanced Materials: Innovative recycling.

Degrees Awarded

The AMIR Master programme offers students the possibility of obtaining a double diploma; a nationally accredited diploma from each of the two partner universities where they study. Currently the following combinations of partners lead to a double diploma:

  • First year at the University of Bordeaux and second year at either the Technical University of Madrid or TU Darmstadt
  • First year at NOVA University Lisbon or the University of Miskolc and second year at either the Technical University of Madrid, TU Darmstadt or University of Liège*

* Subject to the completion of certain modules during the First year.

All other first/second year combinations are technically possible, and lead to the award of a single diploma from the university attended in the first year. All graduating students are given a diploma supplement/certificate from the AMIR programme. This document will specify that they successfully completed the programme obtaining (at least) 120 ECTS, and at which of the partner universities they studied.

First Year

In year 1 students will acquire an understanding of the full raw materials value chain and will develop a mindset for innovation and entrepreneurship.

The first year of the AMIR Master programme takes place at the University of Bordeaux, NOVA University Lisbon or the University of Miskolc. Students will learn about the general and technical aspects of the raw material value chain, including – general chemistry, materials science, lifecycle of materials, as well as the learning outcomes of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT): sustainability, intellectual transformation, value judgments (ethical, scientific and sustainability challenges), creativity, innovation, leadership and entrepreneurship. Please click on the institutions’ titles below for further information on the courses offered by each one respectively.

Second year

In year 2 students will specialise in a study field of choice with one of AMIR’s three Year 2 partner universities, followed by an internship with a research organisation, industrial partner or academic partner.

Students will have the choice to specialise at either: Technical University of Darmstadt, University of Liège, or Technical University of Madrid. This part of the programme offers students the opportunity to follow select advanced materials classes for various applications, including energy, e-mobility, magnets, transport and environments – catalysis.

The academic specialisations are:

  • Material design for recycling, in Darmstadt
  • Metallurgy and metals recycling, in Liège
  • Circular Economy of Construction Products, in Madrid.

Graduates of the AMIR programme will be awarded a double Master of Science degree (double diploma) for all tracks, except for Bordeaux – Liège, where students are only awarded the Bordeaux degree. Note that the Lisbon – Liège and Miskolc – Liège tracks will only result in double diplomas if certain modules are completed in Lisbon or Miskolc beforehand. Graduates will also be awarded the EIT Label Certificate.

Life after AMIR

Graduates of the AMIR programme will be fully equipped to take on a wide variety of professional roles in the recycling sector, including:

  • Process optimisation
  • Materials design
  • Plant administration
  • Project administration

Skills gained from studying on the AMIR programme are widely required across many sectors, including information and communication technologies, building construction, energy, machinery tools, and mobility. Graduates also obtain the necessary skills and knowledge to set up their own company or work in sales and marketing. Finally, doctoral studies are a further possibility and graduates of the AMIR programme will be fully equipped to enter PhD programmes in the recycling sector to pursue engineering careers or academic research, including those offered in the framework of the European Multifunctional Materials Institute (EMMI).


The admissions procedure varies according to a students’ chosen host institution. Students selected for the AMIR programme will be contacted in due time with information on how to proceed with local admission/registration in their first year at either Bordeaux or NOVA Lisbon.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Who can apply?

The programme is aimed at candidates who have a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering and Environmental Sciences, with advanced knowledge in Chemistry (minimum 3 years of study or 180 ECTS credits), or a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry, Physical-Chemistry, Materials (or Matter) Sciences.

Selection criteria – candidates are assessed and selected on the following qualifying factors:

  • Academic background
  • Motivation letter
  • Language skills
  • Work experience
  • Entrepreneurial potential


Deadline: January 24, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) scholarships

The AMIR Master obtained the EMJM label and funding at the end of 2021, meaning we offer scholarships for 4 intakes of students, beginning with the 2022-2024 intake. These scholarships are offered to a limited number of candidates with the highest scores following the written and oral evaluation in the selection process. They can be considered as full scholarships, with the amount being 1400€ per month for the 2 year duration of the programme. This amount is intended to cover all costs incurred by students’ participation in the Master programme (accommodation, travel costs, subsistence costs, materials etc). In addition to this, EMJM scholarship holders do not pay the AMIR fees (detailed above), and are provided with comprehensive insurance for the 2 year duration of the programme.

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