The European Fisheries Control Agency - Traineeships (October 2025 - February 2026)

Deadline: March 15, 2025

Program Starts: October 01, 2025

Program Ends: February 28, 2026


Government International Organizations


  • Spain
Edificio Odriozola, Avenida García Barbón, 4 E-36201 Vigo


The Agency offers a limited number of traineeships to candidates who successfully passed a selection procedure for trainees organized by the European Commission.


Mission and strategy

The European Fisheries Control Agency is a European Union agency. The agency’s mission is to promote the highest common standards for control, inspection and surveillance under the CFP. Its primary role is to organise coordination and cooperation between national control and inspection activities so that the rules of the CFP are respected and applied effectively.

The EFCA will function at the highest level of excellence and transparency with a view to developing the necessary confidence and cooperation of all parties involved and, in so doing, to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of its operations.

European Union governments agreed to establish the agency in the 2002 reform as part of the drive to instil a culture of compliance within the fisheries sector across Europe. In April 2005, they adopted the necessary legislation with Council Regulation (EC) No 768/2005. The added value of the work of the agency lies in its contribution to a European-wide level playing field for the fishing industry so that European obligations are observed by everyone and everyone in the sector is treated equally, wherever they might be operating. Secondly, it contributes towards sustainable fisheries by enhancing compliance with existing conservation and management measures to the benefit of present and future generations.

The Agency, in cooperation with the European Border and Coast Guard Agency and the European Maritime Safety Agency, each within its mandate, supports the national authorities carrying out coast guard functions.

About EFCA

The European Fisheries Control Agency is a European Union agency. The agency’s mission is to promote the highest common standards for control, inspection and surveillance under the CFP. Its primary role is to organise coordination and cooperation between national control and inspection activities so that the rules of the CFP are respected and applied effectively.

The EFCA will function at the highest level of excellence and transparency with a view to developing the necessary confidence and cooperation of all parties involved and, in so doing, to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of its operations.

European Union governments agreed to establish the agency in the 2002 reform as part of the drive to instil a culture of compliance within the fisheries sector across Europe. In April 2005, they adopted the necessary legislation with Council Regulation (EC) No 768/2005.

The added value of the work of the agency lies in its contribution to a European-wide level playing field for the fishing industry so that European obligations are observed by everyone and everyone in the sector is treated equally, wherever they might be operating. Secondly, it contributes towards sustainable fisheries by enhancing compliance with existing conservation and management measures to the benefit of present and future generations.

The Agency, in cooperation with the European Border and Coast Guard Agency and the European Maritime Safety Agency, each within its mandate, supports the national authorities carrying out coast guard functions.

EFCA has its official seat in Vigo, Spain.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate


The traineeship programme is open to university graduates who:

  1. Have a university degree or equivalent, of at least 3 years of study, corresponding to a complete cycle (Bachelor's);
  2. Have a very good knowledge (C level as per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) of two EU official languagues, one of which must be a procedural language: English or French or German. For non EU nationals only one procedural language is required.
  3. Have no prior work experience of any kind, in excess of 6 weeks in any EU institution, body or agency, EU delegations, with Members of Parliament (MEPs) or Advocates General at the EUCJ.

You must have completed at least 3-years of study with a university degree or equivalent to apply for a Commission traineeship (Blue Book). Only if you have a certificate or official confirmation from your university that you have at least a 3-year degree, corresponding to a complete cycle, will you be eligible to apply.

You can only apply once per session but for as many sessions as you want. If you are not selected you will have to submit your application again. The same process will apply each time but without guarantee that you will make it to the final stage.

If you have already worked (paid or unpaid) for more than six weeks for in any other European institution, EU body, EU Executive Agency, EU delegations, for Members of Parliament (MEPs) or Advocates General at the EUCJ, you are not eligible for Blue Book traineeships.

If you volunteered for activities supporting the European Union and its institutions (such as EPSO's EU Career Ambassadors, DG Education and Culture's Erasmus Ambassadors, Youth Ambassadors or similar initiatives), please mention this in the 'Motivation' section, not in the 'Professional experience' section!


Deadline: March 15, 2025

Program starts:

October 01, 2025

Program ends:

February 28, 2026

Program Starts: October 01, 2025

Program Ends: February 28, 2026

Cost/funding for participants

The living allowance for the traineeship sessions is about €1.418,20 per month.

Visa costs and related medical fees may be reimbursed together with the travel expenditures.

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