The European Master in Lexicography (EMLex)

Deadline: February 03, 2025




  • France
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Italy
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Spain
Nancy, Tbilisi, Erlangen, Hildesheim, Budapest, Roma, Katowice, Braga, Santiago de Compostela


The Erasmus Mundus EMLex offers an excellent international programme of study which is globally unique and highly attractive due to various activities. During the two-year programme, students will spend the second semester together with all other students at one university, which changes every year. On request, it is possible to study at a third university of the EMLex consortium in the third semester. In the 1st and 4th semester studies take place at the so-called home university. Erasmus Mundus applicants have the opportunity to name their preferred choices for their home university; the selection committee distributes the applicants equally to the partner universities. Self-paying students (those who do not hold a scholarship) are guaranteed a place at their university of first choice. The Erasmus Mundus programme is fee-based, i.e. students have to pay participation costs to the EMLex consortium for each semester. In return, the consortium pays for costs arising in the course of the studies, for example tuition and administration fees, health insurance, library fees, etc. In addition, it organizes a supporting programme. All students have to sign a Student Agreement before the beginning of their studies.


Basic idea and general objectives

The master programme EMLex is an international course of studies that

  • promotes the international and interdisciplinary training of lexicographers (unique in Germany and Europe in its present structure)
  • teaches lexicographical theories on a high international level
  • includes a distinct connection to the practical application of dictionary creation
  • brings together students from different European countries.

Post-graduates will be qualified to work both as lexicographers at a publishing company and as academic lexicographers in all fields of lexicography, starting from the conception of printed and electronic dictionaries and specific lexicographical tasks through to the technical realization of lexicographical products. Besides, they will receive profound training in the theoretical field of modern lexicography, which will enable them to conduct scientific research or to work in an advisory position in the field of publishing and further education.

The four-semester programme can be taken up each winter term; the second semester is completed abroad. The programme corresponds to the regulations of the Bologna process: The overall number of ECTS points granted is 120 (the modules have either 5 or 10 ECTS points). The total number of students who are registered for EMLex at the participating universities is limited to 30 per year, which is due to the particular design of the block seminars during the summer term. These seminars constitute the key components of the programme’ s international orientation.

Students are expected to conduct large amounts of private study, because a considerable degree of self-motivation is required. The modules are either e-learning-modules, specific lexicography modules or import modules from other courses of study. The post-graduates will be absolute specialists Europe-wide because such a master degree programme in lexicography is unique in Germany and Europe, even more so with regard to its international form of organization. In addition to the usual master degree at the university, the students will receive an extra certificate in which the internationality of the contents of the studies is documented.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Selection criteria

Students are selected by a joint committee representing all partner institutions. Students are selected for study in the programme on the basis of their performance and excellence in their previous studies.

All applications are first screened for fulfilling the following eligibility criteria:

  1. having met the application deadline
  2. completeness of the application
  3. English language proficiency
  4. German language proficiency
  5. completion of a first HEI degree (see “degree” section above)

All applications that meet the eligibility criteria mentioned under section 4.1. and 4.2. are then assessed against the following selection criteria:

  1. Grade and quality of HEI degree(s)
  2. Motivation letter
  3. Competence in linguistic analysis
  4. Lexicographic/terminographic knowledge and experience

Note: Candidates may be interviewed via video or phone conference.


Deadline: February 03, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

Erasmus Mundus scholarship

a) Number of scholarships

EMLex provides 15 scholarships for the intake of 2025/26. Depending on the home university, courses will start either in September or October 2025. 75% of the scholarships are given to partner country students; 25% are given to programme country students.

  • Partner Countries: non-EU countries with the exception of Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland
  • Programme Countries: 28 EU member states + Turkey, Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Liechtenstein and Iceland.

If you come from a partner country and have carried out your main activities (studies, work, training) in any programme country for at least 12 months in total during the previous five years, you are considered as an applicant from a programme country. 

b) The scholarship includes

  • contribution to subsistence costs: 1,000 € per month for the entire duration of the EMLex study programme (24 months maximum)
  • contribution to travel and installation costs:
    • for scholarship holders resident in a programme country: 1,000 € per year for travel costs
    • for scholarship holders resident in a partner country whose location is situated at less than 4,000 km from the coordinating institution (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg): 2,000 € per year for travel costs + 1,000 € for installation costs
    • for scholarship holders resident in a partner country whose location is situated at 4,000 km or more from the coordinating institution (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg): 3,000 € per year for travel costs + 1,000 € for installation costs
  • The scholarship also includes participation costs for the EMJMD-EMLex (see point 2 for details). These participation costs cover all additional costs which occur during your studies. They particularly include tuition fees, health insurance, library costs, administrative costs, cultural events.

Note: If you study in your home country you will not receive contribution to subsistence costs for the duration of your stay there. If you are a partner country student and study at Stellenbosch you will only receive contribution to subsistence costs for the duration of three months of your stay.

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