The FRP++ is a European Master Course in Advanced Structural Analysis and Design

Deadline: January 31, 2025




  • France
  • Italy
  • Portugal
  • Spain
Minho, Naples, Toulouse, Girona


A unique Master’s on oriented to a multidisciplinary understanding of structural composites through the involvement of specialists from complementary fields. The FRP++ is a European Master Course in Advanced Structural Analysis and Design using Composite Materials.


The FRP++ offers an advanced integrated educational programme covering the key issues of the Composites industry with a particular focus on i) materials and manufacturing processes, ii) mechanics and modelling, iii) analysis and design, iv) inspection, diagnosis, repair and strengthening, and v) sustainability and life cycle analysis. The Master combines the diverse expertise of leading European Higher Education Institutions in the related fields to offer an excellent education proposal oriented to a multidisciplinary understanding of structural Composites through the involvement of specialists from complementary fields (engineers, materials science and others).

The FRP++ has a duration of one academic year (60 ETCS), leading to the awarding of a double master’s degree. It is held on a rotating basis among partners. Students carry out the entire coursework in one location and the dissertation in another location. The language of instruction and examinations is English.

Through an excellent education, students will gain cutting-edge knowledge on structural Composites in a research-driven environment, maintaining close collaboration with industry and an important focus on solving practical problems, to compete in a highly demanding market, such as construction, aerospace and aeronautics, automotive, wind energy, among others, where Composites are fundamental. The FRP++ combines the latest research advances with the development of activities related to professional practice.


The FRP++ is a highly specialised Master focusing on structural analysis and design using composite materials. The FRP++ EMJM central objective is to prepare a new generation engineers and/or scientiststo access highly skilled jobs in the market of structural composites applicable to several industries with solid background and in an integrative and multidisciplinary context, with concerns about developing sustainable solutions. Furthermore, students may consider engaging in a further degree of studies towards (PhD) research on the structural composites proficiency level.

The FRP++ Master provides students with advanced knowledge and skills to work and develop a professional career positions in the analysis, the design, and the manufacturing of key industrial sectors, particularly in the construction and infrastructure industries, aerospace and aeronautics, automotive, wind energy, defence, maritime, sports among others, since structural composites are key technological and economic components to address current and future challenges in those industries.

The FRP++ exploits the common denominators that exists in all of these sectors for addressing structural composites, which are increasingly critical. Therefore, the Master addresses the following key areas in structural composites that are not being conveniently addressed in the general curricula of classic Bachelor and Master programs:

  1. Materials and manufacturing processes;
  2. Mechanics and modelling;
  3. Analysis and design;
  4. Inspection and diagnosis, repair and strengthening;
  5. Sustainability and life cycle analysis.

Programme Structure

The Master combines the diverse expertise of leading European Higher Education Institutes in the related fields, namely the University of Minho (UMinho), the University of Girona (UdG), the University of Naples Federico II (UNINA) and Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse/University Toulouse III Paul Sabatier (INSA/UT3) to offer an excellent education proposal oriented to a multidisciplinary understanding of structural Composites through the involvement of specialists from complementary fields (engineers, materials science and others).

The six coursework units (1st semester), held on a rotating basis among partners, are concentrated in two countries each year and dissertation work (2nd semester) is divided by all involved institutions. It is mandatory that students carry out the entire coursework in one locationand the dissertation in another location. The mobility track is based on students’ preferences taking into account an adequate balance between different institutions. The curriculum is exactly the same, no matter the student mobility track. The programme also includes the Integration Week (November) and the annual FRP++ workshop (May) where all students will meet together in Consortium members that do not host any coursework in this academic year.

The FRP++ mobility scheme allows students to visit the four involved partners. The full cycle of mobility is completed after 4 Master editions and will be started over again. The table and the graph below summarise the full mobility cycle, including coursework, MSc dissertation, Integration Week and FRP++ Workshop. 

There are three compulsory and one optional physical student mobility: i) 1st mobility – coursework (Mandatory); ii) 2nd mobility – Integration Week (Mandatory); iii) 3rd mobility – dissertation (Mandatory); iv) 4th mobility – FRP++ Workshop (optional). While the Integration Week is financially supported by the Consortium, the students may need to support the physical presence at FRP++ Workshop – optionally they can also participate virtually (the participation is Mandatory either physical or virtual). However, local sponsors are perused to, at least, support partially the costs.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate


The admission requirements for students wishing to enrol in the FRP++ Master Course are a degree in Civil Engineering, Mechanical and/or Industrial Engineering, Materials Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Polymers Engineering or related fields or equivalent qualifications. Students are expected to have a higher education degree with a minimum of:

  • Bachelor and/or Master degree(s) with 300 ECTS-credit points (typically equivalent to a graduation with a total of 5 years of studies).
    Note: this requirement becomes a mandatory for all students whose mobility track includes UNINA;
  • Bachelor degree(s) with 240 ECTS-credit points (typically equivalent to a graduation with a total of 4 years of studies);

Students need to be proficient in English.


Deadline: January 31, 2025

Cost/funding for participants


Erasmus Mundus scholarships are planned for students from the geographical origin listed below applying within the First Call. These scholarships are financed by the Erasmus+ European program and are organized as follows (supporting costs up to 25 800 EUR each):

  • Up to three scholarships per academic year for students from Programme Countries (roughly ‘Europe/EU’);
  • Up to seven scholarships per academic year for students from Partner Countries (roughly ‘rest of the world’);
  • Up to three scholarships per academic year reserved for students from Partner Countries, financed by EU external funding instrument NDICI (Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument;
  • Up to one scholarship per academic year reserved for students from Partner Countries, financed by EU external funding instrument IPA (Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance).
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