The MESC+ Erasmus Mundus Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion - class #21 (2025-2027)

Deadline: February 28, 2025




  • Australia
  • France
  • Poland
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • United States of America
Geelong, Amiens, Toulouse, Warsaw, Ljubljana, Bilbao, Phialdelphia


The MESC+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree is a 2-year programme in Materials Science and Electrochemistry, fully taught in English, involving 5 Universities in 4 European countries (France, Poland, Slovenia and Spain), 2 Universities in USA and Australia, a European Research Institute (ALISTORE), the French Network on Energy Storage (RS2E), the Slovenian National Institute of Chemistry (NIC) and a leading Research Center in Spain (CIC Energigune).

It is run by a number of world-renowned members of Research Laboratories in the field of energy-related materials who work closely together through several European and trans-European projects.


Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree 

An Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) is a prestigious, integrated, international study program, jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions (HEIs) and, where relevant, other partners with specific expertise and interest in the study program.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) aim to:

  • foster quality improvements, innovation, excellence and internationalization in higher education institutions (HEI);
  • increase the quality and the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and supporting the EU's external action in the higher education field, by offering full degree scholarships to the best Master students worldwide;
  • improve the level of competences and skills of Master graduates, and in particular the relevance of the Joint Masters for the labour market, through an increased involvement of employers.


MESC+ is composed of three semesters of classes plus a mandatory fourth semester in a research laboratory in Europe, USA or Australia for a 6 months Master’s thesis. MESC+ students (~30/ year) will therefore be offered to study in up to four different countries within 2 years, depending on their individual mobility choices.

MESC+ Consortium is composed of 7 Universities located in France, Poland, Spain, Slovenia, United States and Australia, and 4 associated partners.

The Universities offering MESC+ Master’s Course are UPJV AMIENS (France), WUT WARSAW (Poland), UPS TOULOUSE (France), EHU/UPV BILBAO (Spain) and UL LJUBLJANA (Slovenia). DREXEL Univ. (Philadelphia, USA) and DEAKIN Univ. (Geelong, Australia) participate actively in the implementation of MESC + activities as Associated Partners.




MESC+ is composed of three semesters of classes plus a mandatory fourth semester in a research laboratory in Europe, USA or Australia for a 6 months Master’s thesis. MESC+ students (~30/ year) will therefore be offered to study in up to four different countries within 2 years, depending on their individual mobility choices.

  • Arrival - The first meeting of all the new MESC+ students will be in Warsaw around the 1srt of September as they will have few days to set up before the intergration week in Amiens. The consortium will manage the transfer between Warsaw and Amiens.
  • Integration week - The first Meeting of the students with the MESC+ Consortium will take place within the Coordinating institution (UPJV Amiens, France) for the Integration Week around 15th of September. The new students will get the opportunity to meet the alumni from the previous cohort who are graduating at the same time.
  • First semester - The whole class will spend Semester 1 in WUT Warsaw (Poland), from ~Sept 15th of Yn to ~Jan. 20th.
  • Second semester - After having taken the S1 exams in WUT, lasting 2 weeks around 15th of January, the student cohort will then move to UPS Toulouse (France) for Semester 2 where dormitories will have been booked for them prior to arrival. Students will have the possibility of moving in Toulouse from Feb. 1st but classes will start around February 15th.
  • Third semester - For Semester 3, the Class will be divided into three equal numbers of students, asked during S2 about their preferred location for S3 (UPV/EHU Bilbao, UL Ljubljana or UPJV Amiens) where two TUs (out of 8) are quite specialized and hence give a specific “colour” to the mobility of the student. Importantly, the mobility has been designed so as to expose MESC+ students during S3 to technology-oriented Research Centers (KI, CIC, RS2E) at the forefront of European research in energy storage and conversion. Students will have access to state of the art facilities into brand new multi-million € new buildings hosting cutting edge equipments, prototypes and upscale units.
    The EMJMD study period must take place in at least two of the Programme Countries represented in the consortium (i.e. at least two mobility periods for all students, different from the country of residence of the student).
  • Fourth semester - The exams of S3 will typically end around 25th of January after what the whole Class will split and each student will go to her/his Master thesislocation. It will typically start from ~February 15th so that the students have time to make a break and settle down smoothly afterwards. Before the start of the Master Thesis, each host institution will take care of booking an accommodation for the student.
  • Master Thesis defence - Master thesis defence will consist of two parts, graded separately: a public oral presentation of ~15 min including questions, in front of the whole jury (MESC+ Partners Professors + 2-3 invited members from ALISTORE industrial club, CIC Energigune, Privileged partners) and a poster presentation.
  • Graduation ceremony - The graduation ceremony will be organized the day after the Master’s Thesis defence, within the Coordinating Institution and with all partners involved.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Eligibility criteria


  • Students from all over the world can apply for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree MESC+
  • Students with a double nationality from a Partner (non European) and a Programme (European) countries must specify the nationality under which they submit their scholarship application.

Please note that, as Turkey, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway entered the Erasmus+ Programme as "Programme Countries", applicants who are nationals of these countries should be considered as Programme Country students.


  • Students who have obtained a Bachelor or equivalent (minimum 180 ECTS) 
  • Students who are enrolled in their Bachelor last year: for these specific profiles, the degree will not be required at the application stage, but a certificate of enrolment from the university of origin. And if the applicant is selected, he/she will have to demonstrate further that he/she has graduated by sending a certificate of success + transcripts before 1st September.

English Proficiency

The applicant must demonstrate at the application stage that he/she has the minimum level of English required by our programme. To do so, he or she has several options:

  • IELTS: minimum score required 6.5
  • TOEFL: Minimum score required 550 (paper based) / 213 (Computer based) / 79 (Internet based)
  • Cambridge exam: CAE
  • CEFR: C1
  • Applicants whose native language is English are exempted from taking a test.
  • Applicants who have previously followed studies in English are allowed to provide a certificate from their university of origin stating that the medium of instruction was English.
  • OLS test is not a valid language certificate

Important: The ETS code of Université de Picardie Jules Verne for the TOEFL test is 5351. Please use this code to appoint UPJV a recipient of your test result. Your score will be then sent to us directly from the ETS. 


Deadline: February 28, 2025

Cost/funding for participants


The i-MESC programme is co-funded from 2023 to 2029 by the European Union through the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Action of the Erasmus+ programme. Thanks to this financial support, i-MESC will have the opportunity to offer up to 80 EMJM scholarships over 4 intakes:

  • Intake 1: 2024-2026;
  • Intake 2: 2025-2027;
  • Intake 3: 2026-2028;
  • Intake 4: 2027-2029.

The EMJM scholarship is calculated on the basis of a monthly unit cost of 1 400 EUR, for a total duration of 24 months. So the maximum amount per student is 1 400 EUR x 24 months = 33 600 EUR. 

The scholarship is awarded for full-time enrolment, and will cover the entire duration of the Master programme (i.e. 24 months).

This EMJM scholarship is a contribution to the costs incurred by the beneficiary students and covers:

  • Travel costs;
  • Visa costs;
  • Installation costs;
  • Subsistence costs.
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