The Maypole Fund Grants for Women 2025

Deadline: As soon as possible


Grant Creative Ideas


  • Worldwide


Do you have an imaginative project on anti-militarism; action against the arms trade; creating a culture of peace and nonviolence and preventing conflict and war; disarmament; or against nuclear weapons and weapons systems?


The Maypole Fund was set up in 1986 by women involved in the peace movement, especially with Greenham Common. Today, we are a group of feminists coming from various political backgrounds.

We are an unincorporated non-profit association. Our constitution is drawn up according to the guidelines for voluntary organisations. We have chosen not to seek charitable status.

Normally, it is men who own and control money. Maypole money is donated by women for women to use, and the group that runs the fund is all women. The money we have is invested so as to produce an income each year to distribute as grants. It is invested ‘ethically’ according to principles avoiding companies involved in armaments, gambling, tobacco and environmentally damaging activities.


Our aim is to resource imaginative, non-violent activities by feminist anti-militarist women – whether individual women or women only groups – to proactively challenge patriarchy.

This means we welcome applications from women only for projects and activities for any of the following:

  • anti-militarism;
  • action against the arms trade;
  • action against nuclear weapons and weapons systems;
  • creating a culture of peace and nonviolence and the prevention of conflict and war;
  • action to support disarmament policies, processes and related initiatives.

Important information

  1. We only contact successful applicants.
  2. If you do not hear from us within 2 months of these dates, your application has been unsuccessful.
  3. If you are awarded a grant, the Maypole Fund expects that you will spend it on the agreed activity, and that within the following six months you will write us a short report showing what you have achieved with the money, and attaching receipts for all expenditure.

Please fill in the application form and send it by email. When filling in the application form, please:

  • Describe clearly the activity you would like the Maypole Fund to support.
  • Show how your activity fits in with Maypole's AIMS and say how the CRITERIA listed above apply to your project.
  • State clearly the total amount you need. Our maximum grant is £750.
  • Give a breakdown of the costs.
  • Do not exceed four A4 pages.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

We have chosen the following CRITERIA to help us prioritise and decide between applications - you should clearly explain how and why a particular criteria is relevant to your application:

  • Young women’s groups/individuals and lesbian groups/individuals;
  • Activities or projects not yet started;
  • Women who do not have access to other sources of funding or whose projects find it difficult to attract funding from elsewhere;
  • Imaginative/creative activities;
  • Individual and small women’s groups over larger established women’s groups,

PLEASE NOTE: We do not make contributions to general funding, and we do not give grants for individual women living in the global North to attend courses/conferences or to travel for personal interest. We only fund women.


Deadline: As soon as possible

Cost/funding for participants

Maypole may be able to help with a grant of up to £1000.

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