The National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) Program 2025-26

Deadline: November 04, 2024


Trainings & Fellowships Government


  • Algeria
  • Bahrain
  • Belarus
  • China
  • Egypt
  • Hong Kong
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Jordan
  • Korea, South
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Oman
  • Palestinian Authority
  • Qatar
  • Russia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Syria
  • Taiwan
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Yemen
  • Worldwide


The U.S. Department of State’s National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) program was launched in 2006 to promote critical language learning among American youth. The U.S. Department of State, in cooperation with American Councils for International Education, awards and administers merit-based scholarships to high school students for participation in summer and academic year immersion programs in locations where the eight NSLI-Y languages are spoken. 


NSLI-Y immerses participants in the cultural life of the host community, giving them formal and informal language practice and sparking a lifetime interest in foreign languages and cultures. Participants  eceive intensive language instruction, live with a host family for all or part of the program, and participate in a variety of cultural activities. 

Previous language study is not required. Students at all levels of language ability are invited to apply. 

NSLI-Y is administered by American Councils for International Education in cooperation with AFS-USA, iEARN, American Cultural Exchange Service (ACES), AMIDEAST, CIEE, Russian American Foundation (RAF), Stony Brook University, University of Delaware, and University of Wisconsin Madison.

NSLI-Y Goals 

  • To increase the number of young Americans with the language skills necessary to advance international dialogue, promote economic prosperity and innovation worldwide, and contribute to national security and global stability by building understanding across cultures.
  • To improve Americans' ability to engage with the people of Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Persian, Russian, and Turkish-speaking locations through shared language
  • To provide a tangible incentive for the learning and use of foreign language by creating overseas language study opportunities for U.S. high school students
  • To spark a lifetime interest in foreign languages and cultures among American youth


NSLI-Y is a unique educational experience abroad for over 600 U.S. teens annually. Participants and their families can expect the following:

  • An immersive environment allowing participants to experience the local daily life of the host community
  • Rigorous language instruction and coursework
  • Cultural learning activities
  • A host family experience
  • A structured schedule with a limited degree of independent activities, which may include free time to explore local restaurants and cultural sites, and commuting to school on public transportation
  • Dedicated staff who:
    • Are available to participants and families 24/7 for emergencies
    • Communicate in a clear manner to participants, families, and partners
    • Ensure program implementation is in accordance with NSLI-Y operating policies and U.S. Department of State program standards

The NSLI-Y program cannot:

  • Accommodate participant and/or family requests to customize the program schedule, location, coursework, and/or host family composition or placement
  • Guarantee the same daily routine, lifestyle, technology access, diet, activities, healthcare, and freedoms that participants experience in the United States
  • Provide an absolute guarantee of participants’ health or safety while abroad as there is inherent risk in any travel. However, the NSLI-Y program will take necessary steps to safeguard the health and safety of participants to the greatest extent possible
  • Require staff to:
    • Provide instant responses to routine, non-emergency questions
    • Provide the same degree of individual care or attention a participant receives by family at home.


The application deadline for the 2025-2026 programs is November 4, 2024 at 4:00 PM Eastern Time. Interested applicants, families, and educators can register to receive updates about the NSLI-Y application by submitting a name and email address into the “Receive NSLI-Y Application Updates!” section on the right-hand panel of this page.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

NSLI-Y Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for NSLI-Y applicants must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen at the time of application
  • Have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale, or the equivalent
  • Be 15-18 years of age at start of the program
    • For 2024 summer programs: birthdate between July 10, 2005 and June 10, 2009
    • For 2024-2025 academic year programs: birthdate between August 30, 2005 and June 30, 2009
  • Be enrolled in grades 9-12 (high school or home school equivalent) at the time of application
  • Not be in either of the two ineligibility categories described below:

1)  Current or previous participant in ECA exchanges

U.S. citizens who are current or past participants in any of the above mentioned programs are not eligible to participate if:

  • The two programs take place in the same calendar year.
  • The individual is currently participating, or has already participated, in an academic year program.

Current or past participants in a short-duration program of eight (8) weeks or less are not eligible for another short-duration program but are eligible for an academic year program. The restrictions above apply only to in-person programs taking place outside the United States. Participation in a virtual program does not make the applicant ineligible for programs of any length.

An individual may not participate in more than two of the above-listed programs, unless one of the programs was completely virtual.

2)  Family member employment

For a period ending one year following the termination of such employment, association, or service:

  • Employees of the U.S. Department of State/U.S. Agency for International Development are ineligible. This provision includes all employees, paid or unpaid (including part-time or temporary employees, consultants, externs, interns, fellows and personal services contractors). 
  • Immediate family members (e.g., dependent children) of employees of the U.S. Department of State/U.S. Agency for International Development are ineligible. This provision includes all employees, paid or unpaid (including part-time or temporary employees, consultants, externs, interns, fellows and personal services contractors). Self-supporting children who live apart from their parents are qualified to participate. 
  • Employees (and their immediate family members) of private and public agencies under contract or grant with the U.S. Department of State who perform services on behalf of U.S. Department of State exchange programs are ineligible.

Participation Requirements

The health and well-being of participants and staff is a top priority. The NSLI-Y program is a rigorous overseas immersion program and may be physically and emotionally challenging. Each student must be committed to working hard and participating fully in the group program, beginning with the mandatory pre-program language activities and pre-departure orientation through the completion of the program.

Each participant must:

  • Be able to stay alert and to focus attention for up to four hours a day during language classes, while participating in cultural activities, and when receiving staff instructions.
  • Attend daily classes and activities, as dictated by the program schedule and for the duration of the program (program dates will be provided at the time of finalist notification).
  • Work effectively as a member of a team despite potentially stressful and difficult conditions. This may require problem solving on an interpersonal or group level as well as a willingness to accept differences.
  • Contribute to a safe learning environment by treating others respectfully and appropriately in person and online. 
  • Effectively communicate ideas and concerns on an individual and group level.
  • Perform necessary self-care, including maintaining adequate nutrition and hydration, dressing appropriately for cultural and environmental conditions, maintaining personal hygiene, and managing known medical conditions and medications.
  • Comprehend, and follow detailed instructions on travel, risk management, personal care, hazard avoidance, and other topics.
  • With reasonable accommodations, be able to navigate transportation independently between program-provided housing and the institute site, up to 60 minutes each way.

Selection Considerations

Note that preference may be given to applicants who meet the following priorities, however, applicants who do not meet these priorities are eligible and encouraged to apply.

The Youth Programs Division of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) seeks to make youth exchange programs funded by ECA available to a wide and diverse American audience. Preference may be given to applicants who:

  • Have not had opportunities to travel or study abroad
  • Do not have access to critical language resources in their home community
  • Live in a U.S. state or U.S. territory underrepresented in study abroad. 
  • Identify with a community that is underrepresented in study abroad
  • Would not otherwise be able to study abroad

The NSLI-Y program seeks applicants who represent the diversity of the United States. Students of all racial, ethnic, religious, gender identities, sexual orientations, disabilities, and socio-economic backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Strong preference is given to those who have not previously participated in an overseas exchange program or lived abroad for six months or more during the past five years.


Deadline: November 04, 2024

Cost/funding for participants

The costs covered by the scholarship are:

  • Round-trip travel between the participant's home city to the pre-departure orientation and the overseas host program location
  • Pre-departure, arrival, and end-of-stay orientations
  • Tuition and related academic program costs including preparation, support and testing
  • Educational and cultural programming, including program travel
  • In-country staff support
  • Host family and other housing accommodations, as relevant
  • Three basic meals each day
  • Visas for entrance to and exit from the host country/location
  • Secondary/supplementary health coverage for accidents and sickness
  • Stipend for local transportation and incidentals 

The costs not covered by the scholarship are:

  • Costs associated with obtaining a valid U.S. passport (for the participant or legal guardians if required for a visa application) or travel to an embassy for visa application, if necessary
  • Required medical examinations and immunizations for the NSLI-Y medical review or visa requirements
  • Pocket money for personal items
  • Excess baggage fees
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