The Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations - Internships

Deadline: As soon as possible


Government International Organizations


  • United States of America
573-577 3rd Avenue, New York, NY


The Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations offers opportunities for student internships in New York. The internship provides an extraordinary opportunity to gain relevant experience for enthusiastic students intending to pursue a career in diplomacy or having a particular interest in the field of international relations and international organizations.


Internship Description

  • Students accepted for the Mission internship program will participate first hand in Mission's activities.
  • This internship is addressed to young individuals able to handle a variety of assignments in a fast-paced, dynamic setting. Selected applicants will work in the Mission’s team. The internship program is offered continuously throughout the year.
  • This program is an ongoing learning process both for interns and the Mission. As a general policy, initiative and fresh ideas are strongly encouraged. Generally, the assignments are a result of a mutual agreement between the intern and the Mission, so as both the student’s interests and the needs of the Mission are met
  • Although assignments may vary depending on the thematic clusters of the Mission where the intern was assigned: getting involved in an on-going projects developed by the Mission, contributing with materials to the Mission's newsletter, conducting research of different international issues, organizing Mission events, preparing overviews on specific UN activities, assisting in writing of press releases, helping the upgrading of the Mission's web page, attending conferences and meetings organized within the UN or by non-governmental organizations.
  • A Certificate of Internship Accomplishment will be issued by the Mission in recognition of a successful internship.


The selection of interns is an on-going process. To apply please send:

  • Cover letter explaining why you are interested in practicing at the Permanent Mission of Romania to the UN and what you hope to gain from this experience will be addressed to the Permanent Representative of Romania to the UN.
  • Letter of recommendation from one of the intern’s professors.
  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Copy of passport.
  • The letter of intent and your CV must be sent by e-mail at 
  • As part of the application process, an interview can be conducted by one or more members of our staff.
  • A period of six weeks is required for an endorsement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bucharest before the intern can actually start the internship.

About us

As Romania’s diplomatic voice to the United Nations Organization, our first and foremost goal is to represent our country’s position and to promote our objectives within the UN bodies represented in New York. The wide range of foreign policy areas and objectives that we deal with, as well as the larger responsibility on the international arena that Romania assumed, translate themselves in a sharp increase in the active cooperation with all Member States, specialized UN programs and agencies, international organizations and regional groupings.

The Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations is fully committed to pursue the following priorities of our foreign policy within the World Organization:

  • Increasing the effectiveness of the United Nations in addressing conventional and new threats to international peace and stability.
  • Ensuring that the United Nations Security Council remains the ultimate embodiment of international cooperation in maintaining peace and safeguarding the rights and dignity of people worldwide.
  • Using preventive diplomacy and peaceful settlement of disputes as principal tools for peace throughout the world, with full respect for international legal norms and practice.
  • Continuing the reform of the United Nations with greater political will, urgency and vigor. Romania will pursue the strengthening of the Security Council, including through a broader membership and greater transparency in its work methods.
  • Further enhancing the United Nations peace operation capabilities, with particular emphasis on the reconstruction and rehabilitation processes.
  • Implementing the Millennium Development Goals, as prerequisites for genuine and lasting peace and stability. Special attention will be paid to poverty alleviation, sustainable development, fighting HIV/ AIDS, eliminating inequalities.
  • Fostering closer co‑operation and dialogue of the United Nations with regional and sub‑regional organizations, taking stock of its experience and prestige as regional and sub-regional promoter of security and stability.

Building on our transition experience and constructive involvement in regional and global action, we will promote, within the UN system, a new profile of Romania, as a country moving gradually to donor status, ready and able to contribute, financially and with its expertise, to expanding stability and prosperity.

As a member of the European and Euro-Atlantic family, Romania will continue to liaise and cooperate with its partners, thus further enhancing the cohesion and coherence of the UN bodies, as key prerequisites for an effective multilateral system.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate


  • The internship is open to students holding a high-school/college degree in Romania or in the United States and are enrolled in universities in the United States. We expect a work of commitment of a minimum of 20 hours per week for 4-6 weeks.
  • Fluency both in Romanian and English is required. Skills in any UN official languages would be an asset.
  • Computer skills, including word processing and spreadsheet skills is also required.


Deadline: As soon as possible

Cost/funding for participants

Internship Requirements

  • The applicants have to hold a valid passport. We will process only applications of those holding a valid US visa for the required/ approved period (preferably G-2).
  • The internship is on a voluntary basis. Professionalism and responsibility in fulfilling of all tasks assigned according to mutual agreement is expected.
  • The applicants are responsible for making his/her own arrangements for accommodation in New York.
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