Translation Traineeships at the European Commission (October 2025 session)

Deadline: March 15, 2025

Program Starts: October 01, 2025

Program Ends: February 28, 2026


International Organizations


  • Belgium
  • Luxembourg
Luxembourg and Brussels


A paid traineeship of 5 months with the European Commission (or some executive bodies and agencies of the European Institutions like, for instance, the European External Action Service or Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation), starting on either 1st March or 1st October.

Trainees can expand their translation and linguistic skills, or gain experience in IT, administration, planning or communication, all while learning more about the activities of the European Parliament.


What does the translation traineeship consist of?

As a trainee in the Directorate-General for Translation (DGT) you will work alongside in-house translators and translate Commission documents, such as legal acts, policy papers, reports, correspondence with citizens, web texts, press releases or brochures. In addition, you may be asked to perform other linguistic tasks, such as terminology research, quality control or revision. Trainees may be also assigned to teams providing horizontal support services (editing, communication, translation-related training etc.). Most DGT offices are based in Luxembourg and Brussels.

What's the work like?

Trainees work all over the European Commission. The content of the job largely depends on the service you are assigned to. You may work in the field of competition law, human resources, environmental policy … Your daily work will mainly consist of:

  • attending and organising meetings, working groups, forums, public hearings,
  • researching and compiling documentation, reports, consultations; answering queries,
  • running projects.

What does the traineeship offer?

  • EU knowledge – insight into the processes and policies of the European Institutions,
  • practical experience – an opportunity to play a part in the Commission's day-to-day business,
  • opportunity to put academic theory into practice. 

Trainees are selected from nationals of the Member States of the European Union and of candidate countries benefiting from a pre-accession strategy. However, a limited number of nationals of non-Member States are also accepted according to available resources.

What does a trainee's daily work consist of?

  • Attending and organising meetings, working groups, forums, public hearings
  • Researching and compiling documentation, reports, consultations, answering queries
  • Running projects

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

What languages would I need to know to qualify for a translation traineeship?

During the traineeship, you will translate into your target language from at least two other official EU languages.

At least one of the source languages you offer must be French, English or German. This is because:

  • the EU receives a large volume of translations and documents in French, English or German
  • French, English and German are the languages that EU staff members most frequently use in their work.

Most documents sent to DG Translation in languages other than French, English and German come from the Member States.

Some documents come from international organisations and national associations that write to the Commission in English.

In 2020 more than 75% of the translation documents were translated from English, with French accounting for 3.7% of all translations, German for 2.8% and all the other languages together accounting for 12.5%. The predominant position of the English is explained by the fact that it is the principal drafting language at the Commission.

For the TRANSLATION TRAINEESHIP in the Directorate-General for Translation (DGT):

Both EU and NON-EU nationals must be able to translate into a main/target language (normally a mother tongue), from two other official EU languages (‘source languages’).

  • Your main/target language must be one of the official EU languages
  • Your first source language for translation must be a working language of the EU: English, French or German (C level or mother tongue).
  • Your second source language can be any of the official EU languages with at least B2-level proficiency (or mother tongue).

The level of linguistic knowledge must be accompanied by duly certified proof and correspond to the declared level.


Deadline: March 15, 2025

Program starts:

October 01, 2025

Program ends:

February 28, 2026

Program Starts: October 01, 2025

Program Ends: February 28, 2026

Cost/funding for participants

You will receive the living allowance for the traineeships sessions of €1.376,89 per month and reimbursement of travel expenses. Accident and health insurance can also be provided.

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