UniCredit Foundation - 5th edition of the Maurizio Saccomanni Scholarships

Deadline: November 15, 2024




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The contest for the 5th edition of the Maurizio Saccomanni scholarships is now open. This competition is aimed at young graduates in economics, banking, or finance who wish to pursue PhD courses abroad at any university in the world, starting from the academic year 2025/2026.


To pursue the long-standing tradition of UniCredit and reflect its European dimension, UniCredit Foundation announces the competition for two European scholarships, in memory of “Fabrizio Saccomanni”, deputy governor of the Bank of Italy, Italy's minister of economy and finances and unforgettable Chairman of UniCredit, aimed at training European researchers through courses of specialization abroad covering the areas in which he gave his most important contributions and mainly in banking, financial regulation, international economics and monetary economics.

Details concerning the scholarships

The scholarships are awarded to fund the enrolment in and attendance of a PhD program in Economics abroad for the academic years 2025/2026 and 2026/2027. The scholarships are aimed only to those graduates below 28 years old and who obtained their degree not longer than three years before the issuing date of the competition notice.

The amount of each scholarship is €65,000 (or equivalent) before tax for the entire 2-year period, awarded to cover either student’s living costs or tuition fees for the entire duration of the scholarship.

The winners must notify UniCredit Foundation whether the scholarship’s amount must be paid as tuition fees to the University or as student’s living allowance to the winner. In the former case UniCredit Foundation will pay the full amount directly to the University where the student has enrolled, while in the latter the Foundation will pay directly the winner. The Saccomanni scholarship is incompatible with any other scholarship. At least one of the two scholarships will be awarded to a female candidate.

How to apply

Candidates may only apply online using the application available on the Foundation’s website at https://www.unicreditgroup.eu/it/unicreditfoundation.html. All the documentation accompanying the application must be submitted exclusively online in one file (PDF format) and must be written in English.

Closing date for presentation of the application

Candidates’ applications, complete with the accompanying documentation, must be submitted online no later than November 15, 2024, following the procedure indicated on the website. No application will be accepted after the deadline.

Scientific Committee

The Foundation’s Scientific Committee will be responsible for the selection procedure and will identify the winners of the scholarships. The Scientific Committee, appointed by the Foundation’s Board of Directors, is composed of academic experts in economics and finance from the main European countries. The Committee intends to give priority to suitable candidates who will start a PhD in the fall 2025. The Committee may call the candidates for an interview.

Date of award of the scholarships

The scholarships will be awarded by 31 January 2025 by the Chairman of the Foundation on the basis of the final decision expressed by the Scientific Committee as provided for under art. 6.

Documentation to be presented after awarding of the scholarships

The recipients of the scholarship must send via email the following documents (failure to do so may result in forfeiture of the scholarship), no later than 30 days after the notification: a birth certificate; a certificate of citizenship; a declaration that they have not been awarded any other scholarship for the duration of the Fabrizio Saccomanni scholarship.

Requirements for receipt of the scholarships

The recipients must notify the Foundation of the country and university chosen for the course of specialization and are obliged to follow the chosen study course in the country and university specified. Any departure from this must be authorized in advance by the Foundation based on valid and documented reasons.

The recipients must promptly communicate the starting date and duration of the course of specialization; on this date they must start attending the course and inform the Foundation of said attendance. The Foundation could assign a tutor to the winners. The scholarship holders are obliged to report the progress of their studies to the tutor and to send one report – in July 2025 – to illustrate comprehensively student the studies performed, the exams passed and the work begun.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

The scholarships are aimed only to those graduates below 28 years old and who obtained their degree not longer than three years before the issuing date of the competition notice.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for the competition, applicants must be:

  1. either citizens of all 13 countries where UniCredit is present, with a degree from any university (also outside the geographical area of the Group) or 
  2. citizens of any nationality with a degree from any European university within the geographical area of the Group;
  3. have obtained (or be about to obtain, by July 31 2025) a degree (at least three years in duration) in the fields of economics, banking or finance, with a final top mark; and 
  4. must have good knowledge of the foreign language used in the university courses for which the scholarship will be spent.


Deadline: November 15, 2024

Cost/funding for participants

The amount of each scholarship is €65,000 (or equivalent) before tax for the entire 2-year period, awarded to cover either student’s living costs or tuition fees for the entire duration of the scholarship.   In the case the amount is awarded to cover the tuition fees UniCredit Foundation will pay the full amount directly to the University where the student has enrolled, according to the schedule agreed with the university. While in the case the amount is awarded to cover student’s living allowance, the Foundation will pay directly the winner in quarterly instalments. First year schedule is as follows: a 25% instalment paid in advance, a second 25% instalment on confirmation of the start of PhD program attendance, and the remainder in two equal installments (in January 2025 and April 2026, respectively).

Renewal of scholarship

The winners of the scholarship who attend the course of study with successful results, assessed to discretion of the Foundation, may upon request obtain renewal of the scholarship for the following year of study.

Possible cooperation with UniCredit Companies

UniCredit reserves the right to offer to the recipients of the scholarship, while they are still attending the courses at the foreign university or once they have got their degree, employment or any form of cooperation with Group companies (on topics of particular interest to the Group).

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