University of Jyväskylä - JYU International Master’s Degree Students Scholarship Programme (2025)

Deadline: January 22, 2025




  • Finland
Seminaarinkatu 15, 40014 Jyväskylän yliopisto


Information regarding the scholarship programme of the University of Jyväskylä offers for its most successful international Master’s degree students. The scholarship covers the full tuition fee.


JYU International Master’s Degree Students Scholarship Programme

University of Jyväskylä offers scholarships covering the cost of tuition fees for its most successful international Master’s degree students. The scholarship covers the full tuition fee and it is awarded for two academic years. You are eligible for a JYU scholarship if you are

  • eligible to apply to study in an IMDP offered by JYU
  • liable to pay tuition fees

Scholarships are granted based on the admission criteria of the programme in question. A maximum of 50% of admitted scholarship applicants in each programme may be granted a scholarship. Receiving the scholarship for the second academic year depends on your study progress during the first academic year. A minimum of 55 ECTS credits during the first academic is required in order to receive the scholarship also for the second year. The exact number of available scholarships is dependent on the annual student intake. The scholarships are personal and cannot be transferred to other students.

You can apply for the scholarship in the same online form with which you apply for admission to a Master’s programme at JYU. You will be notified of the decision in the official letter of acceptance.  A student must notify that he or she either accepts or declines the offered scholarship in connection of accepting the study place.

JYU does not offer other university level scholarships. However, some faculties offer specific field-based additional scholarships for students. These are currently available for the students of:

  • Nuclear and Particle Physics (for more information contact the Faculty of Mathematics and Science)

Application process step by step

  1. Start preparing for applying well in advance: See the programme-specific admission criteria of the programme(s) you are interested in, and book a language test at your earliest convenience, if needed. Familiarise yourself with the requirements for officially certifying copies of educational documents, and start acquiring the needed documents as early as possible.
  2. Submit the online application form (available only during the admission period) in and attach the required electronic enclosures to it.
  3. If you are required to send some of your documents by postal mail, send these as early as possible.
  4. Make sure that you submit everything that is needed by our deadlines.
  5. Check your email regularly until the end of the final attachment deadline. If you receive a request to send further information (for example if some attachment is missing or incorrectly certified), please send us the missing information without delay.
  6. After the applications have been processed, a selected group of applicants will be invited to take part in the next phase(s) of the application process. Typically this is an interview, but please check this from the programme-specific admission criteria. The interviews will be held online in the end of February/beginning of March.
  7. Decisions on student admission will be made based on the applicant’s application and the possible subsequent phase(s) of the application process (if applicable) according to the admission criteria of the programme. Applicants will be informed on the results of the application round and allocation of tuition fee scholarships via email.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate

Who is eligibile to apply?

This chapter explains the general requirements for eligibility to international Master’s programmes at the University of Jyväskylä. For more specific requirements, please see the programme-specific admission criteria.

Previous degree

In order to be eligible to international Master’s programmes at the University of Jyväskylä, applicants must hold (or must complete by our deadline) a Bachelor’s or Master's or equivalent degree from a recognised institution of higher education. Please note however, that if you hold a Master’s degree which gives eligibility to doctoral studies in Finland, it is recommended to apply for doctoral studies. The field of the degree must be relevant to the field of the programme you are applying to.

The general rule is that if your degree gives eligibility to Master’s degree studies in the country in which the degree is completed, it will also give general eligibility to our Master’s programmes. However, if the degree that the applicant has completed is considerably less extensive than a Finnish Bachelor’s degree, it is possible that the applicant cannot be admitted.

Language proficiency

In order to be eligible to our Master’s programmes, each applicant, even native speakers of English, must prove their proficiency in the English language in one of the ways stated in the programme-specific admission criteria. No waivers are given and no other means for proving language proficiency than the ones stated in the admission criteria of the programme in question are accepted. If an applicant’s result in a language test is below the required minimum, the application will be considered ineligible and will not be processed further.

What are the admission criteria for JYU Master's programmes?

The admission criteria are programme-specific, and consist of requirements for educational background, success in previous studies, proficiency in the English language, and possible motivation letter, CV, work experience and interview. The admission criteria explain the way in which the admission score for each eligible applicant is calculated in the programme. 


Deadline: January 22, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

Full tuition fee.

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