Vicky Noon Educational Foundation - Scholarship at University of Cambridge

Deadline: January 07, 2025




  • United Kingdom


The Lady Viqarunnissa and Sir Firoz Khan Noon Educational Foundation (VNEF) was established in 1992 by Lady Viqarunnissa Noon to support scholars from Pakistan to study at leading universities, primarily in the United Kingdom.


The Application Process

Application Information for VNEF Scholars

Please note that all applications should be sent before the stipulated deadline, direct to the Admissions Office of Oxford and Cambridge. There is no special VNEF form for applying for the Noon scholarship. You should indicate in the relevant funding sections if you would like to be considered for a Noon scholarship. 

Please note that the Vicky Noon Educational Foundation receives many more applications for funding than it can offer. Awards are generally for postgraduate study. However, undergraduate awards are also considered for suitable candidates. 

University of Cambridge 

The Cambridge Commonwealth European & International Trust is responsible for administering the University’s scholarship and bursary schemes for international students. It provides advice about funding and other issues particularly affecting international students, including immigration questions.

  • More information on the Cambridge website for prospective undergraduates.
  • More information on the Cambridge website for prospective graduates.


The Lady Viqarunnissa and Sir Firoz Khan Noon Educational Foundation(VNEF) was established in 1992 by Lady Viqarunnissa Noon to support scholars from Pakistan to study at leading universities, primarily in the United Kingdom. 

The Trust is committed to making a number of full, or partial, awards every year to support candidates brought up and educated in Pakistan, studying Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences, and also, for the foreseeable future, the Arts and the Humanities, at leading universities – currently deemed by the trustees to be the world-class universities of Oxford and Cambridge. 

The following criteria are used by the Trustees to guide their decisions in selecting Noon Scholars:

  •  normally be domiciled in Pakistan;
  •  normally have studied for 12 (or more) years in Pakistani schools, colleges or universities;
  • not have had opportunities to study abroad previously (and certainly not at university level in Europe, North America or Australasia);
  • high academic merit;
  • financial need;
  • excellent command of the English language;
  • demonstrate intention to return to Pakistan to pursue a career or engage in further research;
  • clear indication of future potential contribution to Pakistani society, culture and life on their return.


With more than 18,000 students from all walks of life and all corners of the world, over 11,000 staff, 31 Colleges and 150 Departments, Faculties, Schools and other institutions, no two days are ever the same at the University of Cambridge.

At the heart of this confederation of Departments, Schools, Faculties and Colleges is a central administration team. It is small because the Colleges are self-governing and teaching staff carry out much of the daily administration at Cambridge.


The University is a confederation of Schools, Faculties, Departments and Colleges. The Colleges are governed by their own statutes and regulations, but are integral to the make-up of the University of Cambridge.


Students live, eat and socialise in one of the University’s 31 autonomous Colleges. Undergraduates receive College supervisions – small group teaching sessions – regarded as one of the best teaching models in the world. Each College has its own internal procedures. They select their own students, subject to University regulations, and most admit both undergraduate and postgraduate students. College representatives sit on the University Council and Finance Committee.


There are six Schools, which each form an administrative grouping of Faculties and other institutions. They are: Arts and Humanities, Biological Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Humanities and Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Technology. There is a Council of each School – including representatives of its Faculties and Departments. The Schools are represented on the General Board.

Faculties and Departments

University Faculties organise teaching and research into individual subjects or groups of subjects. Their work is normally organised into sub-divisions called Departments. Centres of studies are controlled by committees of management, bringing together representatives from several disciplines.

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate


Deadline: January 07, 2025

Cost/funding for participants



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