Victoria Graduate Awards 2026 - Victoria University of Wellington

Deadline: November 01, 2025




  • New Zealand


Victoria University of Wellington is offering graduate awards. These awards consist of domestic tuition fees payable for the nominated degree programme up to the value of $5,000. Graduate Awards are awarded solely on the basis of academic merit.


About Victoria

Victoria University is one of New Zealand’s oldest and most prestigious tertiary institutions with a proud tradition of academic excellence. Learn more about our 115 years of rich history.

Purpose of award

In line with the University's strategic objective of encouraging undergraduate students to proceed to graduate study and to research degrees, the University offers Victoria Graduate Awards to students intending to embark upon an Honours degree or a Masters degree, Part 1.

How do students apply?

  • An online application will be available approximately one month before the closing date.
  • Applicants will complete the online application form by the closing date. No late application will be accepted. 
  • Enrolling as an Honours or Masters student and applying for a Victoria Graduate Award are two separate processes. The holding of a Victoria Graduate Award is conditional upon the scholarship recipient gaining enrollment into their intended Honours or Masters programme.

Decision makers

The selection of Award winners shall be made by the Research Scholarships Committee, a subcommittee of the University Research Committee.

How and when do students learn of the decision?

By late December in the year of application. If you are unsuccessful you may be notified by email only.

Selection criteria

  1. Applicants will have completed all pre-requisite course requirements and will enroll full-time at Victoria University in the year following application for at least 90 points of coursework for either: an Honours degree; or a Master’s degree taken via coursework with at least 90 points at 500 level and a thesis/research component of less than 90 points. 
  2. These scholarships are not available for post experience or vocational Master’s degrees, such as the MBA, MIM, or MIS, nor to Honours students undertaking or intending to undertake an undergraduate programme such as LLB (Hons) or BE (Hons). Postgraduate Diploma study will only be considered if it is recognised as Part 1 of a two year Masters course. 
  3.  Subject to the approval of the University Research Scholarships Committee, a Victoria Graduate Award may be held with any other scholarship or award for which the holder is eligible, with the exception of a Victoria University funded fees remission. 

Opportunity is About


Candidates should be from:

Description of Ideal Candidate


Applicants must be fully enrolled at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington in a full-year programme by the start of Trimester 1 in the following year of application, in at least 90 points of coursework in either:

  • a postgraduate Honours degree; or
  • a Master's degree taken via coursework with at least 90 points at 400 or 500 level and any thesis/research component in that year being less than 90 points; or
  • a postgraduate diploma that is recognised as Part 1 of a two year Master’s degree, under the same conditions as for that Master’s degree.

These scholarships are not available for post experience or vocational Master's degree, such as the MBA, MIM or MIS, and are not available to Honours students undertaking or intending to undertake an undergraduate programme such as LLB (Hons) or BE (Hons).


Deadline: November 01, 2025

Cost/funding for participants

Domestic tuition fees up to $5,000.


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