Visuelle Technik - Internships and theses in the field of industrial image processing

Deadline: As soon as possible




  • Germany
77723 Gengenbach, Grünstrasse 39


Do you also have an image processing task? Under project management you will find the details of how such a process usually works. Here you can also see that phase 1 (analysis and conception) is usually free of charge, ie initially you only invest time - with the opportunity to make your processes more efficient, increase productivity and thus improve your operating result. What can we do for you? Just get in touch , we look forward to your task.



In 2018, the Visuelle Technik company celebrated its 20th anniversary - no small feat for a company that mainly offers programming work in a highly technical area. The managing directors Sebastian Paschun and Meinrad Borho see this consistency as being based on the Black Forest values: inventiveness, precision, reliability. In addition, there is the unflagging willingness to follow the rapid progress in the field of image processing technology and to constantly develop new concepts for customers or to think further about existing solutions.

Reliable, constructive and personal - your partner Visual Technology

As a reliable, industry-independent system integrator for 3D and 2D image processing systems, we see ourselves as a tangible partner for our customers and interested parties. The lived closeness with our possible, future and existing business partners is the focus of our entrepreneurial actions and thinking. Because a trusting business relationship is the basis for a successful, serious and, above all, constructive cooperation - and a long-term one at that.

Many connections that have existed for years confirm this attitude. Our customers appreciate our speed, flexibility and top results. And every new prospect and customer is treated with the same seriousness and attitude as our existing customers. Quality is not just innovation, inventiveness and permanent further development, but above all precision and absolute reliability. Seeing, recognizing, understanding: This is how we work and think. You are in the best of hands with us and the staff at Visuelle Technik.

Opportunity is About


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Deadline: As soon as possible

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