This student had 16 internships and jobs in 14 countries. Here is how he made it happen!If you ask a student whether it’s difficult to get selected for an internship, most students will...7 July 2017+ READ MORE
Top 10 favorite companies for young graduatesLiving in modern society definitely has its ups and downs. One of the things that I would consider a...6 June 2017+ READ MORE
Ten things I learned as an international student in Serbia, USA, and EstoniaHow does a student coming from a country that is ranked as the brain drain number one in the whole...28 April 2017+ READ MORE
10 Best Countries for Pursuing Your Master’s or PhD Degree!Finding the right opportunity and deciding where to pursue your PhD or master’s studies can be...14 April 2017+ READ MORE
10 Best countries for an internship abroadYou are in the middle of your university studies or have finished them and are in need of expanding...6 March 2017+ READ MORE
The 10 Most Expensive Countries to Study AbroadI had the experience of attending my master program in a foreign country. This was one of the most...3 March 2017+ READ MORE